Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Long Time Gone

Its been forever since I have posted anything on here so I will start now.

Surgery went real well as I said before, except about 2 wks after surgery I got what is called a stricture. What happens is the opening that goes to the new stomach gets swollen and closes up. I wasn't able to keep anything down! Not even water or ice chips. I had to go in and have the Dr open it back up. He said it was so closed a pin could barely fit through! I lived like that for 2 wks. I have done much better since tho and am feeling WONDERFUL!!

I have lost almost 60lbs and went from a sz 24 to a sz 16 and am continuing to get smaller! Its so weird to do little things and notice the loss. Like driving, my car seems so much bigger and the steering wheel is so much farther away! Bending over is not as breath taking as it was before. I am not in pain when I walk or run! It feels amazing and its only going to get better from here!